Happy Valentine’s Day….West Coast Dance Conservatory has a present for you!
- West Coast Dance Conservatory in Millbrae, Ca is excited to announce some news. We now have an ONLINE STORE with DISCOUNT PRICES!
- You can find all of your dress code needs for your dance classes including: shoes, leotard, tights and fun accessories!
Important Login Information:
Studio Name: West Coast Dance Conservatory
Passphrase: WCDC5678
- West Coast Dance Conservatory is trying to make purchasing dance clothes easy for new dance students.
- Website: http://www.curtaincallforclass.com
- Enter the Studio Name: West Coast Dance Conservatory – Passphrase: WCDC5678
- Find your class from the drop down menu (Creative Movement, Combo Classes Ages 3 to 4, Pre Ballet – Ages 5 t0 7) and all of your dress code needs will be listed according to the dance class.
- Once you have placed your order online your dance wear will be sent to your home in the Bay Area!
Here is the link to find our Dress Code: https://www.westcoastdanceconservatory.com/dress-code/
Send us an email at angela@westcoastdanceconservatory if you have any questions.