Spring Performance RSVP Form 2019-2020 Spring Performance R.S.V.P. Student's Name (As it should appear in the program) * First * Last Parent/Guardian's Email * Please R.S.V.P. for the Spring Performance. * YES, my dancer will participate in the Spring Performance. This will include an additional "Spring Performance Fee" separate from their monthly tuition. I understand that if my dancer is enrolled in more than one class, their dances may be in more than one performance. NO, my dancer will not participate. Student's Classes (excluding Company rehearsals) - Example: Jazz II Monday 4:00-5:00PM * Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 SPRING PERFORMANCE FEES - includes costume, tights, and complimentary digital video download (due December 1, 2019). There will be a $30 fee added to any costumes orders placed after January 15th. * 1 Class - $135 + $302 Classes - $210 + $303 Classes - $285 + $304 Classes - $360 + $305 Classes - $435 + $306 Classes - $510 + $307 Classes - $585 + $308 Classes - $660 + $30My dancer is not participating in the Spring Performance. Please select your student's costume size below: * Child SmallChild MediumChild LargeChild Extra LargeAdult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult Extra LargeMy dancer is not participating in the Spring Performance. YES/NO I would like to purchase the Spring Performance T-Shirt for $20 + Tax. The amount will be charged to my credit card on file on March 1, 2020. * YES NO Please select your student's T-Shirt size below: * Child SmallChild MediumChild LargeChild Extra LargeAdult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult Extra LargeNo T-Shirt I fully understand that all performance and costume fees are non-refundable. The Costume and Performance Fee will be charged to my credit card on file when due. I confirm that I have read the Spring Performance Handbook. Please type your name below as an electronic signature. * Text Submit Δ