Spirit Week and Spring Performance at Bayside Performing Arts Center in San Mateo
Spirit Week: October 24th-31st:
This week is SPIRIT WEEK at West Coast Dance Conservatory. Celebrate your dance spirit by dressing up in a past recital costume or any costume that shows you love dance. Due to the festivities on October 31st, classes will be canceled for Jazz II, III/IV, V & Teen Lyrical. We look forward to seeing all the amazing costumes!
Performance Handbook:
The “Performance Handbook” for the Spring Performance will be given out in class this week. This “handbook” will have EVERYTHING you need to know about the Spring Performance including important dates and policies. It is very important that you carefully read through the ENTIRE PACKET. Please note that you must return the R.S.V.P form to the studio by November 14-19, 2016. The “Performance Handbook” and “RSVP Form” can also be found on our website. Stay tuned for more information!
Thank you,
Angela Holmes
West Coast Dance Conservatory